I love the game its like Rōblox and Rōblox is my favourite game
I love the game its like Rōblox and Rōblox is my favourite game
But add a thing in the gym where you can work out and gain strength. And also, when you go there you get bigger biceps so you look even cooler
Its awesome its what I was looking for as I started playing the RPG was coming to me I felt like this was a real RPG just I gave some concerns about the game......well why is there horror music when there is also nice music please take the horror stuff out not the swords Im happy there is no blood when you die but I had a glitch today I was making a quest and ppl were killing me well I did not know they were and I was dead when I was done and the animation is great I love it but maybe you could update the game to something everyone could agree on because maybe that we could have like tables and put food and plates on it and have dinner tables and better houses and how do you build and get stuff for ur house but anything else is just fine fine fine just find some ideas and make the game a better place to p,at and fight
Very fun to play with friends and family
This game is great.If you make more games I WILL play them.
Its ok but theres a lot of things that need fixing like you need to change the fighting because if you and your opponents the the same level it all matters on who attacks first because you get a bunch of money when you first start out you just watch people fight and then take there stuff and sell it And once you get tackle you can just be running and accidentally hit someone thats high level and then your screwed and it doesnt even do much to slow your opponent you also need to fix how if someone your level want to attack you and you start attacking each other high level people get in your face so you can hit them so they can take your stuff and then once you start getting higher its so hard to get tags when people are there and if you get no jerk most of the time it just glitches and someone comes and kills you and some times enemys in the quest just one shot you and they dont even have a weapon and it doesnt make the quest more difficult it just makes it more tedious because its the best way to level up. Theres not much to do other then quests and killing random people maybe a passive mode will help but this game needs more things to do. Overall the fighting is not very fun, there is not much to do, the leveling up get harder and tedious as you go, the graphics are ok but the player models are bad, the world is big and nice and theres a lot of places to go the weapons and armour are good, the community is good and there is a lot of players, the controls could be better. This game needs some work but is ok if the game devs read this im not meaning to offend you im just trying to give you ideas and where you need to fix things thanks for reading bye
I hate when my internet lags And the zombies kill me >:( (I love the game but this is what i dont want anymore)
Dove cè caos totaleeeee
It does have some great mechanisms,but where is the day and night cycle!? I mean like the game Bad Nerd Vs Zombies is night and why cant you guys just add that feature. The updates are always items and like the Halloween and Christmas and more holidays you VNL make it just for that,but yeah like in the mornings is turning bright and dark is becoming gone.the playground is a brightness of and afternoon turning into a sunset and the Rest room is like in the night but we cant see it. So you guys should take time and make this happen.
Gees why cant you make up a account like roblox!??? :( :(
I got a new phone an now i cant get it back on icloud!!! Plz add login!!!! I HAVENT GOT TO PLAY SINCE 2014!
Im lvl 110 fight me noobz B)
But it keeps crashing when I enter the city! I could barley play!
I have been playing this game for a while and it is totally awesome! I love that there are always new quests, always lots of fun challenging other ppl, easy way to become vip member (just buy a token no real money) which is different about this game cause lots of other games use memebership that costs real money. This one is free! You can find out how to buy it online or go to the computer in rest area and there should be a button in there that will bring you tons of tutorials. Also you can have a house! This game doesnt even use bunches of space like other 1st person games (or 3rd person) and I also noticed a twik in the new update where the camera was moved a little from your character which makes it much better. One thing you could add for houses is more pets like maybe a fish bowl and/or an aquarium, also cats and dogs that can just walk around your house and you could tell them to follow you. I really love this game so keep on making the great updates